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APC Executive Board of Directors 2019-2020

Margaret (Peggy) Brady-Amoon, PhD.

MargaretBrady-Amoon8bPeggy Brady-Amoon, PhD, LPC and certified school counselor, is a faculty member and past Academic Director of the Counseling programs at Seton Hall University. She is a long-time member of ACA, past-president of the Westchester/Putnam/Rockland Counseling Association (NY), a large active local branch of ACA, and immediate past chair of the NJ Counseling Coalition, a grassroots advocacy organization that successfully worked to reverse CACREP-only regulations in NJ. Her teaching and research builds on more than 25 years of experience as a counselor and counselor supervisor primarily with educational programs that admit, retain, and graduate at-risk, low-income students of color at rates higher than their more advantaged peers.

Past President
Elaine Johnson, Ph.D.

EJohnson2 Elaine Johnson, Ph.D., is a psychologist in private practice in Columbia, Maryland.  She is past Director of the M.S. program in counseling psychology and a post-master’s, pre-licensure program at the University of Baltimore, both designed to train master’s-level professional counselors (called LCPCs in Maryland).  She also serves on the Board of the Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors of Maryland, where she has been active in promoting policies supportive of all counselors at the state and national level for the past ten years. She has previously practiced in university counseling centers, a dual diagnosis inpatient setting, and in private practice, specializing in women’s issues.

Sally D, Stabb, Ph.D.

SStabb_Headshot Sally D. Stabb, M.Ed., Ph.D., has been training master’s counselors and doctoral counseling psychologists for over 27 years. A member of both ACA and APA, she currently works at Texas Woman’s University where she enjoys being a part of their feminist-multicultural graduate training programs.

Katy Shaffer, Ph.D.

Katy_smallKaty Shaffer, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Applied Behavioral Sciences program at the University of Baltimore, primarily training Master’s counseling psychology students who go on to become Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors in Maryland and elsewhere. Dr. Shaffer earned her Master’s degree in counseling before pursuing her doctorate in counseling psychology. She is a member of the APA, the Society of Counseling Psychology, and CMCTP and has been involved in the counselor-inclusivity movement for six years. Her research interests are in the areas of clinical supervision, multicultural education and multicultural counselor competencies.  kshaffer@ubalt.edu

Janice Lang, LCPC

Janice Lang, LCPC Janice Lang obtained her Master’s degree in counseling in 2016.  She works as a clinical therapist working for Congruent Counseling Services specializing in treating anxiety disorders.  Janice’s first career was in computer science as a programmer and as such she maintains the website for APC.

Members at Large

Larry Epp, Ed.D.,L.C.P.C

20160328_114723Larry Epp, Ed.D., L.C.P.C. is the Director of School Mental Health Services for Family Services, Inc. of Gaithersburg, Maryland, and the Past President of the Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors of Maryland. He is also a past president of the District of Columbia Chapter of AMHCA and the Maryland Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development. Dr. Epp has had 20 year career in school mental health services. He was the last graduate assistant of Dr. Clemmont Vontress, one the founders of cross-cultural counseling, and co-authored with Dr. Jake Johnson his acclaimed casebook in cross-cultural counseling. Dr. Epp was recently appointed the Vice Chair of the Montgomery County Mental Health Advisory Committee, which provides guidance to the County Government on mental health issues.

Jill Ritchie, Ph.D.

Jill RitchieJill Ritchie, Ph.D., LMHC, is a licensed mental health counselor who has had clinical, supervisory, and director roles in a variety of clinical agencies and higher education settings for over 30 years. A counselor educator since 2000, she is the Director of Field Training for the Division of Counseling & Psychology at Lesley University in Cambridge, Mass. She was a member of the Massachusetts LMHC licensing board for over 9 years, serving on the subcommittee that drafted the current regulations.  She is a member of ACA, ACES, CSJ and MaMHCA. Dr. Ritchie has particular academic interests in counseling approaches that promote holistic wellness and resiliency, self-compassion and mindfulness practices, and conscious aging.